Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The 12 Days Of Waste-mas

According to an adage I heard a few years back, we all go through four stages of life with respect to Santa Claus:
1. You believe in Santa Claus,
2. You don't believe in Santa Claus, but still play along,
3. You are Santa Claus, and
4. You look like Santa Claus.

One of the ways we enter stage 3, regardless of whether we ever progressed from stage 1 to stage 2, is by paying taxes.  This continues whether or not we ever reach stage 4, and serves to keep most of us in stage 3 even after we get to stage 4.  With that in mind, The Daily Signal gives us 12 specific examples of the gifts given by the federal government during 2014, but which ultimately come from us, the taxpayers.  In that sense, you could say that the government plays the role of Santa, with us as the elves.  In any event, read the full story.

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