Sunday, August 9, 2015

Pollution Released By EPA Spreads Downriver

Four days ago, the EPA was trying to clean out an old mine in Colorado, when the crew they were supervising accidentally released wastewater into a nearby stream.  While the irony of a government agency dedicated to keeping the environment clean polluting it instead was pretty obvious, I had not bothered to learn the specific location of the mishap.  As it turns out, I had visited the affected area two years ago.  Now, as reported by the Chicago Tribune, the polluted water continues to spill via Cement Creek into the Animas River, which flows past Silverton and Durango, Colorado, has reached New Mexico, and is headed for Utah.  This is because the Animas is a tributary of the San Juan River, which flows past several towns in New Mexico before continuing into Utah and eventually reaching Lake Powell, a reservoir along the Colorado.

Read the full story and take a good look at the pictures.

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