Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Interesting, Isn't It?

Let me get this straight.  High-school administrators in Massachusetts learned what a student put on social media, and disciplined her for it, but our federal DHS could not, and apparently would not look at terrorist Tashfeen Malik's posts on social media, when she was applying for a visa.  OK, I'll concede that these two things weren't from the same level of government, but it makes you wonder if maybe someone's got their priorities mixed up.

UPDATE:  Here's a similar item, involving the online activities of teenagers in Ohio.  According to EAG News, some students in Patalaska, Ohio set up an anti-Hillary Clinton super Pac and were visited by someone from the DHS.  Unlike the above-reported incident in Massachusetts, the Ohio students were not disciplined by their own school administration or local government, but by the same DHS that did not look at Tashfeen Malik's social media posts.  (This item comes via the eponymous blog of Dr. Rich Swier.)

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