Thursday, May 5, 2016

Chicken In The News

Today's post is for the birds, you might say.  Here are two stories that each involve a prominent American-based chicken fast food chain:

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and some of his councilmen are calling for a city-wide boycott of Chik-fil-A, which is owned by a Christian family.  A few years back, the company's president Dan Cathy stated his belief that marriage is between a man and a woman.  In other words, he uttered the basic Christian doctrine on marriage, which is also something that left-wingers such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton agreed with not too long ago.  Hizzoner, on the other hand, not only disagrees with the traditional Christian belief, but also apparently thinks that businesses whose owners espouse that belief should not be patronized.

Meanwhile in Hong Kong, Kentucky Fried Chicken (now better known by the acronym KFC) is taking the slogan "finger licking good" literally by coming out with chicken-flavored nail polish.  This means that you can lick the chicken flavor off your fingers, without even eating any chicken.

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