Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Trump Fires Tillerson, And Other Stories

Earlier today, President Trump told Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, "You're Fired", and then announced current CIA Director Mike Pompeo as his replacement.  Tillerson will stay on until the end of this month.

In other news:

From Voice Of Europe, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban says that Hungarian money should be spent on Hungarians instead of on migrants.

From the Daily Mail, the E.U. claims that 16,000 African migrants have been cleared from camps in Libya.

From AOL, the leader of the Telford and Wrekin council calls for an investigation into the claims of child sexual exploitation in Telford.

From RTÉ, Spanish police have arrested 155 members of a Chinese human trafficking gang that smuggled migrants mainly into the U.K. and Ireland.  (Have I mentioned that migrants are being traff....oh, never mind.)

From Palestinian Media Watch, Fatah (the terrorist organization led by Yasser Arafat before he became the leader of the PLO) celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Coastal Road terror attack.

From Townhall, while visiting India, Trump's rival almost falls on her face, and reveals her prejudices.

And from BuzzFeed, 15 weird facts about tea.

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